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The MT PASA Offers API allows Scheduled Generators, Market Customers, Market Network Service Providers, and Integrated Resource Providers to submit their MT PASA Offers for Bi-directional Units (BDU), Scheduled Generation Units (SGU), Scheduled Load Units (SLU), and Scheduled Network Services (SNS).

MT PASA Offers are input into the MT PASA process.

API status

Draft for review. The design is not ready for participants’ builds

Assumed knowledge


Before you can use the MT PASA Offer API you must:

  • Have a Participant ID. If your company is a Registered Participant, it is set up during the registration process.Have a Participant ID with an effective date of registration.
  • Have a user ID and password with access rights provided by your company's participant administrator. For details, see user rights access below.
  • Understand the procedures governing the operation of the market relating to
    wholesale trading of electricity and the provision of ancillary services. For
    details, see the NER Chapter 3, Introduction to Market Rules.
  • Have an API gateway and a TLS certificate.
  • Know your Dispatchable Unit Identifier (DUID).
  • Test your submission in the pre-production environment before submitting to production. AEMO encourages participants to use the pre-production environment to test procedures and train staff.
  • Know the Participant File Server address (see Connecting to AEMO's Market Systems) to retrieve the:
    • Offer acknowledgement (ack or cpt) to your ParticipantID\Import\MasterBids folder.
    • MTPASA_OFFERFILETRK file to your ParticipantID\Import\CSV\Reports. This report conforms to the Electricity Data Model. For details about the tables in this report, see Electricity Data Model below.

Submission gateway addresses




API portal

API specification in progress.

Related rules and procedures

User rights access

Participant administrators provide access to the MT PASA Offer API using the following entities:

  • Create Offers: EMMS - Offers and Submissions - MTPASA Offers - Create
  • View Offers: EMMS - Offers and Submissions - MTPASA Offers - View Data

Participants Users provide the base-64 encoded URM credentials in the Basic Auth header.


You can submit your API compressed or uncompressed. Compression protocols are gzip or deflate.


To control traffic, AEMO implements Throttling on API Endpoint requests. If Participant ID requests exceed the Throttling limit a HTTP 429 or 422 response returns. For more details, see Response codes below.


1 request per second per participantId.

The participantId is identified from the X-initiatingParticipantID request header parameter.

Participants systems must manage this Throttling limit because if you submit multiple JSON requests for the same participantId at the same time, AEMO may reject some.

Response codes

For details, see (API Reference > HTTP response)

About offer submission

The submission endpoint allows participants to submit one or more MTPASA Offers.

You provide the Offer details in the Offers array in the JSON schema. Every Submission must supply all required submission level information otherwise AEMO rejects the submission.

This endpoint has payload parameters only (no query parameters).

Submission rules

• The weekly energy limit is in MWh.
• The first date must be a future Sunday.
• One Offer File can have many Generating Units (DUIDs).
• Each data line is for one week, notifying the weekly Energy limit and capacity for each day in the week.
• Successive data lines are for the same unit at weekly intervals for the period of the projection (usually two years).
• Rules for use of Reason Codes and Recall Times: TBC

CSV Payloads

For details, see MT PASA Offers csv Paylod Fields.

Participant categories, unit states, and recall times

For details, see Participant categories, unit states, and recall times.

Submission interfaces

As well as API, you can use the following interfaces to submit Dispatch Bids ad Offers.

FTPSubmit MT PASA Offer CSV Payload over FTP to the Participant File ServerMT PASA Offers
Markets PortalSubmit MT PASA Offers CSV Payload and view existing offers in the Markets Portal MT PASA Offer interfaceMT PASA Offers

Submission size

A submission request or response has a payload limit of 10 MB (compressed or uncompressed).

Submission processing

Submissions are processed in the order AEMO receives them. You must ensure the correct submission order so your latest Offer is the Effective Offer Submission acknowledged by AEMO’s systems.

Submission response

If the entire submission is valid you receive a response 200 with transaction ID and other metadata related to the Submission.

If your submission has multiple Units and multiple Trading Days in a single request, and one has an error, AEMO rejects the whole submission.

If your submission has an error AEMO rejects it with a response code, displaying the source of the problem so you can identify its location. Rectify the issue by updating the values appropriately and resubmitting.

Submission details

Immediately after submission, on the Participant File Server > ParticipantID\Import\CSV\Reports folder, you receive a private MTPASA_OFFERFILETRK file with your submission information. For details, see Electricity Data Model, below.

Electricity data model

Your submission populates the Data Model tables and files mentioned in this section.

For help with:

  • The relationships between tables, see the MMS Data Model Report.
  • The relationships between tables and files, see Markets Portal > Data Subscriptions > Data Subscriptions
  • For help with the Data Model and Data Interchange, see Data Interchange Online Help.
MTPASA_OFFERDATAParticipant submitted Offers for the MTPASA processMTPASA_OFFERFILETRK
MTPASA_DUIDAVAILABILITYOffered PASA Availability of the scheduled generator (DUID) for each day over the Medium Term PASA period. The data in this table is input data to the MT PASA process. It is not part of the MTPASA solution. The availability does not reflect any energy limitations in the MT PASA offersMTPASADUIDAVAILABILITY


For help with terms see:





