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Welcome to our Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) system built with Node.js, TypeScript, and Prisma! This project provides a robust and flexible solution for managing access control within your applications. With a focus on modular components and ease of customization, our RBAC system empowers developers to implement fine-grained access control tailored to their specific requirements.


The User CRUD module is responsible for managing user entities within the system. It provides functionality for Creating, Reading, Updating, and Deleting user records. Users are fundamental entities in the system and are associated with roles to define their permissions. This module ensures that user information is securely stored, and actions like creating, updating, or deleting users are handled efficiently.

POSTCreate User

Bodyraw (json)
    "name": "Aditya Shrotiya"
Example Request
curl --location 'localhost:3030/user' \
--data '{
    "name": "Aditya Shrotiya"
Example Response
No response body
This request doesn't return any response body
No response headers
This request doesn't return any response headers

GETGet User By Id

Example Request
curl --location 'http://localhost:3030/user/03bc46a6-ce26-4890-87d3-b2df342920ae'
Example Response
No response body
This request doesn't return any response body
No response headers
This request doesn't return any response headers