GoToMeeting v1 - 06 08 2020
Setup Instructions
Environment Template
- Choose the "GoToMeeting" Environment template on the environment dropdown menu (top right corner of the window)
- Click on the EYE icon (quick look) right next to the environment dropdown box, then click on EDIT right next to the environment's name
- Fill the environment variables client_id and client_secret from your account. You can retrieve these by creating a new App on the Developer Center.
OAuth 2.0
- Make sure the GoToMeeting environment is selected on the dropdown box on top right of the main screen.
- Right-click the collection on the left bar
- Click on Edit
- Click on Authorization Tab
- Click on Get New Access Token
- Fill the form with the variables below. They will be pulled automatically from the Environment template you just loaded:
- Callback URL: {{callback_url}}
- Auth URL: {{auth_url}}
- Access Token URL:
- Client ID: a2094c4f-868a-4339-934f-4da2d788d0aa
- Client Secret: 3naO10IA2agcvG+9I9TGEQ==
- Client Authentication: Send as Basic Auth header
- Click on Request Token. You should see a GoToMeeting login screen now.
- Login with your GoToMeeting credentials.
- Allow the permission request to access data from your account.
- If you had success you should see your newly generated access token. Scroll to the bottom.
- Copy your organizerKey. You'll need to save it later as environment variable.
- Click on Use Token.
- Now just make sure you paste the organizerKey on the 12341234123412341234 variable in your environment.
Disclaimer: GoToMeeting access tokens expire in just 1h, so you might need to repeat steps 1-12 of the OAuth 2.0 process every hour you are working with the API.
Access Token