Documentation Settings



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Error Codes

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Rate limit

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GETGet Data about Countries[1,2,3]&sort=EPI&order=asc&EPI=[80,100]&keywords=["pollution"]

Given a query that is a list composed of ISO 3166 Alpha 3 Country Codes, country names or integers does the following for each element of the query list:

  • If the element is a string then finds the corresponding country with code or name and adds it to the result.
  • If the element is an integer then it applies the given filter, search parameters and sorts them and returns the instance that is on the position denoted by element.


  • query: list composed of ISO 3166 Alpha 3 Country Codes, country names or integers
  • sort: attribute name that the instances will be sorted with(available values: country_code, country_name, EPI)
  • order: sorting order can be either "asc" or "desc"
  • keywords: list of strings that should exist in the instance
  • other params are used for filtering and they correspond to a list of two values denoting the range we should filter on i.e EPI=[80,100] will filter out any countries except with those who have an epi score between 80 and 100.(available params: country_name, EPI, longitude, latitude)

The return object will look like this:

Plain Text
    "count": <Number of instances that match the given keywords and filters>,
    "results": <List of instances that correspond to the given element of query>

And each elements of results will look like this:

Plain Text
    "error": <error_message>
    "country_code": <ISO3166 Alpha 3 Country Code>,
    "country_name": <Country's Name>,
    "charities": <List of Charity names>,
    "issues": <List of Environmental Issue names>,
    "temperature": <List of Average Temperatures in the Format [start year, end year, Avg temperature in Celcius for these years]>,
    "emission": <List of Emission Amounts in the Format [year, metric ton CO2 emission per capita]>,
    "rainfall": <List of Average Rainfall in the Format [start year, end year, Avg temperature in Celcius for these years]>,
    "EPI": <Environmental Protection Index of the country>,
    "longitude": <Longitude of Country>,
    "latitude": <Latitude of Country>,
    "flag_link": <Link to the Country's flag>

Returns 200 if successful, 400 if the query parameter is absent or ill formed.











Example Request
curl --location -g '[%22USA%22%2C%20%22NULL%22]'
200 OK
Example Response
  "count": 210,
  "results": [
      "EPI": "71.19",
      "charities": [],
      "country_code": "USA",
      "country_name": "United States of America",
      "emission": [],
      "flag_link": "",
      "issues": [],
      "latitude": "38",
      "longtitude": "-97",
      "rainfall": [],
      "temperature": []
      "error": "Given key doesn't match any country."
No response headers
This request doesn't return any response headers

GETGet Data about Issues[1,2,3]

Given a query that is a list composed of Issue names or integers does the following for each element of the query list:

  • If the element is a string then finds the corresponding issue with name and adds it to the result.
  • If the element is an integer then it applies the given filter, search parameters and sorts them and returns the instance that is on the position denoted by element.


  • query: list composed of issue names or integers
  • sort: attribute name that the instances will be sorted with(available values: issue_name, country(sorts by country count), charity(sorts by charity count))
  • order: sorting order can be either "asc" or "desc"
  • keywords: list of strings that should exist in the instance
  • other params are used for filtering and they correspond to a list of two values denoting the range we should filter on i.e issue_name=["Ecocide","Environmental crime"] will filter out any issues with names that aren't between Ecocide and Environmental Crime.

The return object will look like this:

Plain Text
    "count": <Number of instances that match the given keywords and filters>,
    "results": <List of instances that correspond to the given element of query>

And each elements of results will look like this:

Plain Text
    "error": <error_message>
    "issue_name": <Name of the issue>,
    "url": <Link to the Wikipedia article on the issue>,
    "summary": <Summary about the issue taken from Wikipedia>,
    "images": <Link to an image about the issue>,
    "countries": <List of ISO3166 Alpha 3 Country Codes of countries which are affected by the issue>,
    "charities": <List of charities that deal with the issue>

Returns 200 if successful, 400 if the query parameter is absent or ill formed.



Example Request
curl --location -g '[1%2C2%2C3]'
Example Response
  "count": 293,
  "results": [
      "charities": [],
      "countries": [],
      "images": "",
      "issue_name": "Acid mine drainage",
      "summary": "",
      "url": ""
      "charities": [],
      "countries": [],
      "images": "",
      "issue_name": "Acid rain",
      "summary": "",
      "url": ""
      "charities": [],
      "countries": [],
      "images": "",
      "issue_name": "Agent Orange",
      "summary": "",
      "url": ""
No response headers
This request doesn't return any response headers

GETGet Data about Charities[1,2,3]

Given a query that is a list composed of charity names or integers does the following for each element of the query list:

  • If the element is a string then finds the corresponding issue with name and adds it to the result.
  • If the element is an integer then it applies the given filter, search parameters and sorts them and returns the instance that is on the position denoted by element.


  • query: list composed of charity names or integers
  • sort: attribute name that the instances will be sorted with(available values: charity_name, country(sorts by country count), issue(sorts by issue count))
  • order: sorting order can be either "asc" or "desc"
  • keywords: list of strings that should exist in the instance
  • other params are used for filtering and they correspond to a list of two values denoting the range we should filter on i.e charity_name=["Boston Harbor Now","Connecticut Fund for the Environment"] will filter out any charities with names that aren't between Boston Harbor Now and Connecticut Fund for the Environment.

The return object will look like this:

Plain Text
    "count": <Number of instances that match the given keywords and filters>,
    "results": <List of instances that correspond to the given element of query>

And each elements of results will look like this:

Plain Text
    "error": <error_message>
      "charity_name": <Name of the charity>,
      "tagLine": <A statement that concisely describes the mission of the charity involved>,
      "website": <Website of the charity>,
      "mission": <Description of the main activities of the charity>,
      "Address": {
        "country": <The country the charity is located in>,
        "stateOrProvince": <State of the charity>,
        "city": <City where the charity is located>,
        "postalCode": <Postal code of the charity>,
        "streetAddress1": <First line of address of charity>,
        "streetAddress2": <Second line of address of charity>
      "country": <List of ISO3166 alpha 3 country codes of the countries that the charity has operations in>,
      "issues": <List of issues the charity tries to solve>,
      "donation_link": <A link to donate to the charity>,
      "Image": <Link to the logo of the charity>

Returns 200 if successful, 400 if the query parameter is absent or ill formed.



Example Request
curl --location -g '[1%2C2%2C3]'
Example Response
  "count": 443,
  "results": [
      "Address": {
        "city": "Tallahassee",
        "country": null,
        "postalCode": "32301",
        "stateOrProvince": "FL",
        "streetAddress1": "308 North Monroe Street",
        "streetAddress2": null
      "Image": "",
      "charity_name": "1000 Friends of Florida",
      "country": [],
      "donation_link": "",
      "issues": [
      "mission": "",
      "website": ""
      "Address": {
        "city": "Portland",
        "country": null,
        "postalCode": "97204",
        "stateOrProvince": "OR",
        "streetAddress1": "133 SW 2nd Ave",
        "streetAddress2": "Suite 201"
      "Image": "",
      "charity_name": "1000 Friends of Oregon",
      "country": [],
      "donation_link": "",
      "issues": [],
      "mission": "Working with Oregonians to enhance our quality of life by building livable urban and rural communities, protecting family farms and forests, and conserving natural areas.",
      "tagLine": "Great communities. Working lands. Iconic Places.",
      "website": ""
      "Address": {
        "city": "Brooklyn",
        "country": null,
        "postalCode": "11201",
        "stateOrProvince": "NY",
        "streetAddress1": "20 Jay Street",
        "streetAddress2": "Suite 732"
      "Image": "",
      "charity_name": "",
      "country": [],
      "donation_link": "",
      "issues": [],
      "mission": "",
      "tagLine": "We're Building A Global Climate Movement",
      "website": ""
No response headers
This request doesn't return any response headers